1. Demos.kz
  2. Press Releases

Category: Press Releases

The majority of population is totally against the initiative of parliaments’ members to rename Astana

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Over the half of people in Kazakhstan think that friendly interethnic relations can develop into the conflicts only intentionally

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In spite of crisis 64% of people in Kazakhstan are optimistic about EXPO-2017 in Astana

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North Kazakhstan has the highest level of pessimism among businessmen

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Presidential election, floating exchange rate, Gennady Golovkin’s record and death of Batyrkhan Shukenov were the most notable events for Kazakhstan people in 2015

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Youth of economic regions – leaders of Kazakhstan wants to change the profession

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Over 50% of the people in Kazakhstan still prefer to save money in national currency

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87% of young people in Kazakhstan would change their current specialty if they had such opportunity Medical industry is becoming an attractive professional sphere for the youth

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Over one fourth of people in Kazakhstan don’t know that the country will join the WTO soon

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21% of people in Kazakhstan mentioned the low quality of piped water, the poll showed

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